Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Book of Poems

My Pet Monkey Jamal

Jamal was a rascally fellow,
Energetic, never too mellow.
He fell into the drier,
And round did he flier.
Jamal is officially jello.


Snow is falling all around,
Santa takes a cookie from the mound.
The ice is slick and dangerous,
Toys are a great part of Christmas.
We all stay home for the holidays,
Fire warms us up in so many ways.
The gifts we receive are fun and jolly,
We celebrate Kwanzaa, it's oh so holly.
Waking up, our stockings are full,
The space under the tree is loaded and whole.
The cold is biting, we shiver and tremble,
A nice glass of egg nog, our smiles assemble.
We fall asleep hoping we get presents, not coal,
The wind on our faces freezes our soul.
The snow on our clothes turns into wet,
Our faces light up when Mom says, "go sled."
We smile at Chanukahs' exciting first day,
Snowboarding we get lost and decide on the path, which way?
Building snow caves is exhausting, but fun,
At last me and my family decide Christmas is done. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

School :(

I have officially decided that I HATE my school. None of my friends are there, and it is super hard to make new friends. It seems that not one of my four parents understand that concept. Like all my friends go to South Davis Junior High, except for two, and I would kill to walk the halls of SDJH with my closest friends. But apparently it doesn't matter if I'm happy, or super depressed, as long as I'm prepared for the future. I think that is just a bunch of Bull Crap. SDJH would prepare me for USC, and would also prepare me for WX. I don't need some preppy rich kid school (as some would call it in place of a prison) to succeed in life. None of my parents went to piece 'o crap Waterford, and they are doing just great.

My mom complains about me always griping about what I have, and that I will always just ask for more. That is not true, put me with my friends, and I will be happy as a clam. There are to things in life that i could not under any circumstance live without; Family, and friends. By sending me to Waterford, there has been a big fat X written over friends. My dad always tells me that he wants me to be happy, well news for you dad. You can't be the one telling me to be happy when you're the biggest enforcer of the Waterford subject which is the subject that I hate most of all, if you really wanted me to be happy, the thought of me being with all my friends might be running through your head. You tell me that your mad when your being a jerk, that I don't call you a jerk. Well guess what!!! Here's me calling you a jerk in my own way. Just because your dad was mean to you when you were a kid, it doesn't give you the right to ruin my childhood, read this, and just think about it, because there will not be a trace of happiness in my soul until you decide that your opinion isn't the only opinion in this world that matters, and I hope that somehow, sometime soon, that you will be able to read this.

It Certainly Is Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Wow, it's so getting close to the holidays now. The first real snowstorm hit today, it was wonderful. I'm happy it snowed because half the things on my Christmas list include snowboarding or messing around in the snow with my buds. The weather may be getting colder, but the colder the outside world gets, the warmer I get. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!